The communications and publications translated by the CCAMLR translation teams include:


Basic Documents: Convention, Headquarters Agreement, Rules of Procedure, Establishment of SCAF, Financial Regulations, Staff Regulations, SCIC Terms of Reference and Organisation of Work, System of Inspection, Scheme of International Scientific Observation, Rules for Access and Use of CCAMLR Data and Rules for Access to CDS Data.

• Meeting reports: Commission, Scientific Committee, Standing Committees on Administration and Finance (SCAF) and Implementation and Compliance (SCIC), Working Groups on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM) and Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA), ad hoc Working Group on Incidental Mortality associated with Fishing (WG-IMAF), as well as various subgroups and ad hoc workshops.

Schedule of Conservation Measures in Force

CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program Standard Methods

Inspectors Manual

Scientific Observers Manual, including electronic logbook forms

• parts of the Statistical Bulletin

• scientific abstracts and figure and table legends for the journal CCAMLR Science

• various one-off publications, such as Understanding CCAMLR’s Approach to Management and a synopsis on the same subject, CCAMLR’s Management of the Antarctic, the booklet Fish the Sea, not the Sky and a poster and brochure on marine debris.


data submission forms

• budget papers

• financial statements

• meeting documents (documents directly related to agenda items)

• official correspondence to and from Member contacts (by letter, fax and email) and, occasionally, members of the public

• information posted on CCAMLR’s website.

The meetings of CCAMLR’s primary bodies, the Commission and the Scientific Committee, are conducted in all four languages using simultaneous interpretation, provided by external contractors. Extensive use is made of the documents translated by the CCAMLR team to ensure familiarity with essential specialist vocabulary and background information. During the annual meetings, in-house translation ensures adoption of a full report in all four official languages.

The CCAMLR translation team has built up considerable expertise on CCAMLR-specific terminology used in the various documents translated. A number of glossaries have also been compiled using inputs from various written sources and the Internet. The advice of specialists associated with CCAMLR has also been sourced to achieve the highest level of translation accuracy.