
Cruise Reports

Observers are required to complete a cruise report, detailing the type of scientific observations undertaken, gear details, marine mammal and seabird interactions, waste disposal practices etc.. This new format, designed to standardise the reports, is to be completed for all observer cruises (longline, trawl, squid and pot).

  Word Format: Cruise Report

Longline Forms

Longline observer forms are used for both single (Autoline) and double (Spanish) line systems. The forms are used for the collection of information on gear type, vessel activity, incidental mortality of marine mammals and sea birds, by-catch, gear loss, biological information, processing methods and conversion factors.

Excel format: Longline Logbook  
Excel format: Fish condition and hooking injuries for toothfish (TOP and TOA) recorded during research hauls in Subareas 58.4 and 48.6  

Trawl Forms

Trawl observer forms are used for both pelagic and demersal finfish operation as well as for krill fishing. The forms are used for the collection of information on gear type, vessel activity, incidental mortality of marine mammals and sea birds, by-catch, gear loss, biological information, processing methods and conversion factors. For krill fishing there is an additional time budget data form used to assess the amount of time spent on various activities such as searching, steaming, transshipping etc..

Excel format: Trawl Finfish Logbook  
Excel format: Trawl Krill Logbook  

Jig Forms

Jig observer forms are used for the squid fishery. The forms are used for the collection of information on gear type, vessel activity, incidental mortality of marine mammals and sea birds, by-catch, gear loss, biological information, processing methods and conversion factors.

Excel format: Jig Logbook  

Pot forms

Pot observer forms are used for both crab and finfish. These forms collect information on gear type, vessel activity, incidental mortality of marine mammals and seabirds, by-catch and biological information.

Excel format: Pot Logbook  


This program calculates nautical twilight times for a given calendar year.


Word format: Nautical Twilight Instructions.doc


The following spreadsheet contains the current CCAMLR/FAO Species codes for 2010.
Excel format: Species Codes

PowerPoint format: Species ID Guide Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Classification Guide
Pdf format: Scientific Observers Manual
Pdf format: Field Identification Guide to Heard Island and McDonald Islands Benthic Invertebrates

hydrocarbon soiling form
Standard form and instructions for the submission of data on seabirds and marine mammals soiled with hydrocarbons (e.g. oil) (Link to Excel forms)

skate discard poster
The skate discard poster is available in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Indonesian, Japanese and Korean.

Zip file of all languages (4.2M)