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CCAMLR Conservation Measure 41-01 Annex C outlines the requirements
for the tagging program for Dissostichus spp. in exploratory
longline fisheries. In addition a number of Members are
conducting tagging programs for other species, including Bathyraja
spp. in Division 58.5.2. CCAMLR Tagging Protocol and data collection forms Excel Format: Fish Tagging Protocol
These forms have been included as part of the CCAMLR Scientific
Observers Manual. Observers are responsible for keeping a
record of tag releases and tag recaptures, and should forward this
information as part of their observer logbook to their national
observer program coordinator. The observers would also be
responsible for returning the tags and for the extraction of otoliths
from tagged fish. All otoliths should be stored in the dark, as
some may have been marked with strontium chloride or tetracycline for
age validation experiments. New and Exploratory Fisheries The CCAMLR Secretariat will be responsible for coordinating the tagging programs for all new and exploratory fisheries starting from the 2007/08 season. The Commission also agreed that all tags used by Members in exploratory fisheries shall be purchased from the Secretariat (CCAMLR-XXV, paragraph 4.50). Details on how to purchase CCAMLR tags and tagging kits can be obtained by clicking this link, or from the CCAMLR Tagging Program Coordinator, Eric Appleyard (eric@ccamlr.org). Subarea 48.3 Marine Resource Assessment Group (MRAG) in the UK. Tags can be returned to MRAG Ltd, 18 Queen Street, London, W1J5PR, UK. Division 58.5.2 (Kerguelen Plateau) Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) in Australia. Tags can be returned to Tim Lamb c/o Australian Antarctic Division, Channel Highway, Kingston, Tasmania 7050, Australia. A complete list of all tag details, including tag type, colour and serial numbers used by each program is contained in the tagging information table. |