FORMS  (Updated: 13 January 2011)


Types of fishery data reporting – Catch and Effort reports (TAC data), Catch and Effort data (C data), Tagging protocol, Biological data (B data) and STATLANT data.  If you have any questions please contact .


Species Codes

Tagging Protocol

CCAMLR VME Taxa Classification Guide

VME-Indicator data form

VME-Indicator guidelines

Data Map




Daily TAC reports are to be submitted not later than 12 midday UTC each day.
TAC reports are to be submitted not later than two (2) working days after the end of the reporting period.
Fine-scale data forms, VME-Indicator data forms and tagging protocol are to be submitted not later than the end of the month following the month of data collection.



Daily catch and effort reports for all exploratory fisheries except krill are required for ‘real-time’ monitoring and are to be submitted no later than 12 midday UTC each day. Fishery catch and effort reports (TAC data) are required for ‘real-time’ monitoring of the fisheries, and are submitted by Flag States at 5-day, 10-day or monthly periods throughout the fishing seasons, including periods when no catches are taken. The length of the reporting period depends on the type of fishery. Reports must be submitted via email (


Daily TAC data form (with a text option for emailing)

TAC data form  (with a text option for emailing)




Catch and effort data (C1, C2 and C5 data) are used to assess fish stocks, and develop and evaluate resource management strategies. These data are reported by Flag States on a haul-by-haul basis.

Trawl Fisheries C1 data form


Longline Fisheries C2 data form

Pot Fisheries C5 data form






Biological data (B2 data) provide information on the length composition of species caught. These data may be collected and submitted by Flag States. Alternatively, equivalent data may be collected and submitted by scientific observers (using observer data forms) if appropriate details are given in the bilateral arrangements (CCAMLR-XVI, paragraphs 8.23 and 9.12).

Biological Data B2 data form