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The CCAMLR Convention Area is divided into statistical areas, subareas and divisions, internationally recognised by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO), which is the agency responsible for collecting and publishing world fishery statistics. The three statistical areas are: Area 48 (Atlantic Ocean sector), Area 58 (Indian Ocean sector) and Area 88 (Pacific Ocean sector).
The statistical subarea and division boundaries
were selected taking into account general oceanographic conditions as well
as biological characteristics with a view to grouping areas thought to
contain relatively discrete populations of certain species.
Dividing the Convention Area into subareas and divisions has made possible: (i) the reporting of fisheries data for individual stocks; and (ii) the imposition of management measures on a stock-by-stock basis. Fisheries in Areas 48, 58 and 88 are managed by CCAMLR. Catch and effort data, along with biologically related data, are reported to the Secretariat on an individual fishery basis. |
requirements include: reporting of catch and effort in quasi real-time at 5-day, 10-day or monthly intervals (depending on the fishery); collection of catch and effort data, usually on a haul-by-haul basis; and collection of biological data, usually by international scientific observers. The Secretariat is responsible for monitoring CCAMLR fisheries, including the closure of fisheries when catch limits are reached or approached.