The Commission meets annually to review reports of Members’ activities over the past year as well as their plans for the coming year, to review compliance with conservation measures in force and, on the basis of advice from the Scientific Committee, to review existing regulatory measures and adopt new ones as necessary.

At these meetings the Commission also attends to matters concerning the annual administration and financing of its activities.

Two subcommittees assist the Commission in its work – the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (SCAF) and the Standing Committee on Implementation and Compliance (SCIC).

Meetings are only open to nominated representatives of CCAMLR Members and to invited observers from other States and specific organisations.

The meetings of the Commission and Scientific Committee are conducted in English, French, Russian and Spanish, the official languages of the Commission specified in Article XVIII of the Convention.

Simultaneous interpretation in all these languages is provided at the meetings and documents specifically tabled as working papers are translated.

Meetings of subcommittees are conducted in English only, but the reports of these bodies, the Commission and Scientific Committee are all published in the four official languages.

Schedule of Meetings