Annual publications produced by the Secretariat in the four official languages (English, French, Russian and Spanish) and in support of the work of the Commission and SC-CAMLR include:

• Report of the annual meeting of the Commission, including reports of its subcommittees.

• Report of the annual meeting of the Scientific Committee, including reports of its working groups. NB:  2002 English version out of print.

Schedule of conservation measures currently in force.

Statistical bulletin summarising fisheries data reported to the CCAMLR Data Centre over a 10-year period.

CCAMLR Science is a peer-reviewed journal, published annually in English with abstracts and figure and table legends translated into French, Russian and Spanish.

It contains articles dealing with the conservation and rational utilisation of Antarctic marine living resources and covers numerous disciplines, including the biology and ecology of marine species, their population dynamics, ecological interactions and various issues of fishery economics and management.

This journal was established by the Scientific Committee with the first volume published in 1994. The Table of Contents for each volume of CCAMLR Science is available on this website.

A companion volume to CCAMLR Science, and also published each year, in English only, is the CCAMLR Scientific Abstracts booklet, which provides a record of all scientific papers presented to meetings of the Commission and Scientific Committee and their subsidiary bodies.

As well as standard publications, the following occasional publications have been produced in all four languages:

Fish the Sea Not the Sky (3MB pdf file) − a booklet on how to avoid by-catch of seabirds when fishing with bottom longlines. NB: English version out of print.  Please contact the Secretariat for further information.

• A poster on marine debris which highlights the problem of pollution in the Southern Ocean.

In support of specific CCAMLR programs, three manuals have been produced for Members in ring-binder format, again in four languages, and replacement pages are issued as the information contained therein is updated. These manuals may only be issued on request from official CCAMLR Member contacts and comprise:

• The Inspectors Manual, providing CCAMLR Inspectors with information to assist them in the conduct of their duties.

• The Scientific Observers Manual, containing information to assist CCAMLR Observers in planning their observation programs and recording data.

• The CEMP Standard Methods manual, prepared in support of the work of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program, containing standard methods for monitoring parameters of predator species and the environment, as well as data submission forms and guidelines, and related information.

The Basic Documents contain the Convention, Rules of Procedure, Headquarters Agreement, and Staff and Financial Regulations.

The Basic Documents publication is currently only available electronically.