The Scientific Committee established the ad hoc WG-IMALF in 1993.
In 2001 it decided that its scope should be expanded to cover fishing
other than by longlines. The group was renamed ad hoc WG-IMAF.
The original terms of reference (SC-CAMLR-XII, paragraph 10.19)
have been amended in 2008. They are as follows:
(i) review and analyse data on the level and significance of
direct impacts of interactions and incidental mortality associated
with fishing;
(ii) review the efficacy of mitigating measures currently in use
in the Convention Area, and consider improvements to them, taking
into account experience both inside and outside the Convention Area;
(iii) review and analyse data on the level and significance of
direct impacts of marine debris in the Convention Area;
(iv) collaborate and coordinate with ACAP on achieving a
favourable conservation status for Convention Area seabirds;
(v) prepare a summary of the above for the consideration of the
Scientific Committee;
(vi) provide the Scientific Committee with advice for:
(a) improvements to the reporting requirements currently in use
in the Convention Area;
(b) improvements to the measures in use to avoid incidental
mortality and interactions associated with fisheries within the
Convention Area;
(c) cooperation with ACAP;
(d) approaches to improve the conservation status of Convention
Area seabirds and marine mammals directly impacted by fishing
outside the Convention Area.