The CCAMLR Catch Documentation Scheme for Dissostichus spp. (as contained in Conservation Measure 10-05) became binding on all Members on 7 May 2000.

The Scheme is designed to track the landings and trade flows of toothfish caught in the Convention Area and, where possible, adjacent waters.

This should enable the Commission to identify the origin of toothfish entering the markets of all Parties to the Scheme, and help determine whether toothfish taken in the Convention Area are caught in a manner consistent with CCAMLR's conservation measures.

The Catch Documentation Scheme, its implementation and operation are described in a number of documents (see attached).

Information on the application and implementation of the Catch Documentation Scheme is provided only to CDS Contact Officers nominated by Parties to the Scheme and is set out in a password-protected area of this site.

Information on the operation of the Catch Documentation Scheme (special password required, access is given only to CDS Contact Officers nominated by Parties to CDS).

Rules for access to Catch Documentation Scheme data

Identification Guide for Toothfish