Chapter 7 - Financial and Administrative Issues
7.1 Availability of resources for activities

7.1.1 Extent to which financial and other resources are made available to achieve the aims of CCAMLR and to implement CCAMLR’s decisions

Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status The RP considered that CCAMLR will increasingly come under financial pressure in pursuing the Convention’s objectives. This Review has highlighted many areas which will require greater attention and financial resources over coming years. In addition, it appears that the growth in fishing operations (if not for finfish then certainly for krill) will continue. In these circumstances, the RP saw significant merit in the Commission seeking to expand its financial base through identifying and charging for the full cost of services which are provided for commercial fishing operations. This will require the development of a cost-recovery policy and an assessment of how this should be implemented. SCAF/ Commission (2008)CCAMLR-XXVII, paragraph 17.6.
Additional references pending further discussions.
Commission – In progress, early steps
SCAF – open until discussion concludes on CCAMLR XXIX/34 Rev 1 The RP further recommended that:

(a) CCAMLR establishes an expert group to develop a cost-recovery policy which would be applied to all commercial fishing operations;

(b) the expert group be asked to review CCAMLR services and decide which services relate directly to fishing operations under the ecosystem approach to management pursued by CCAMLR (and would thus be chargeable) and which relate to the broader conservation objectives and would continue to be funded from general funds.

Commission (2008)CCAMLR-XXVII, paragraph 17.6. SCAF – not yet considered The RP also recommended that special consideration be given to the distinction between developing and developed States when establishing the amount of each Member’s contribution to the budget. The RP was, however, conscious that such an approach might well require amendments to both the Financial Regulations, as well as to the text of the Convention itself (Article XIX.3). Commission   SCAF – not yet considered