Chapter 4 - Compliance and Enforcement
4.6 Market-related measures

4.6.1 Extent to which CCAMLR has adopted measures relating to the exercise of the rights and duties of its Members and Contracting Parties as Market States for Antarctic marine living resources

Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status E-CDS should become mandatory with immediate effect. Commission (2009)CCAMLR-XXVIII, Annex 5, paragraph 7.2(ii) – SCIC adopted a proposal to amend CM 10-05 to making the E-CDS format a mandatory requirement. Commission - Complete To improve the integrity of the CDS, the scheme should commence from the point of capture (rather than shipment or transfer) and it should be integrated with catch reporting. The task of undertaking such integration and reconciliation should be delegated to the Secretariat. SCIC/
  SCIC – not yet considered SCIC should review, and report on, the possible development and implementation of a more sophisticated chain-of-custody regime. Such a regime could augment and, in due course, might supersede the existing CDS. SCIC   SCIC – not yet considered