Chapter 4 - Compliance and Enforcement
4.4 Follow-up on infringements

4.4.1 Extent to which CCAMLR, its Members and Contracting Parties follow-up on infringements to management measures

Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status The various reporting mechanisms within CMs, in relation to infringements, should be reviewed to ensure that the mechanisms of reporting are clear, concise and consistent between measures. SCIC/ Commission The work of DOCEP has facilitated a review
CM 31-02 (General measure for the closure of fisheries)
SCIC – In progress - advanced steps In respect of legal sanctions, reports should provide a link, preferably by electronic means, to the findings of the court (or equivalent) giving details of the penalty and sanction imposed. Such details should be archived by the Secretariat.
Readily available information on CPs’ domestic legislation would further aide transparency.
Members Some Members already complying Commission – In progress, early steps CCAMLR should create a ‘library’ within the Secretariat of relevant national legislation enacted by CPs. Such information should be updated as and when such domestic legislation is amended. Commission Website has some links to national legislation Commission – Not yet considered