Chapter 4 - Compliance and Enforcement
4.3 Monitoring, control and surveillance

4.3.1 Extent to which CCAMLR has adopted integrated MCS measures (e.g. required use of VMS, observers, catch documentation and trade tracking schemes, restrictions on transhipment, boarding and inspection schemes)

4.3.2 Extent to which these measures are effectively implemented

Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status The CDS should be amended to provide for the linkage of daily catch data with DCDs and that should definitions be revised to ensure there is no ambiguity as to when and where catch can be landed or transhipped (i.e. a clear definition of both ‘in port’ and ‘at sea’). This may well require an explicit prohibition of all transhipments except under the control of an appropriate port or flag authority. SCIC (2008)CCAMLR-XXVII, Annex 5, paragraph 7.5;
(2009)CCAMLR-XXVIII, Annex 5, paragraph 7.2;
Adoption of CM 10-09 (Transhipments).
Adoption of CM 23-07 (Daily reporting).
SCIC – In progress - advanced steps C-VMS data for all fisheries be reported directly to the Secretariat in real time. SCIC/ Commission (2008)CCAMLR-XXVII, Annex 5, paragraph 7.5;
(2009)CCAMLR-XXVIII, Annex 5, paragraph 7.2;
(2010)CCAMLR-XXIX, paragraph 12.9.
SCIC – In progress -advanced steps There be unhindered access to real-time VMS data for surveillance and inspection activities (both in terms of their planning and implementation). SCIC/ Commission CM 10-04, paragraphs 8 to 23 SCIC – not yet considered CCAMLR should review the approach to inspections adopted in RFMOs so as to develop a more effective and contemporary inspection regime. SCIC/ Commission Proposals to consider the system of inspection have been considered in previous years. SCIC – In progress – early steps Greater use should be made of multilateral inspections employing CCAMLR-designated inspectors from two or more Members. This would not only enhance the cooperation foreseen by Article XXIV, but sharing inspection platforms would also reduce associated costs. Commission/
Joint patrol programs have been established between Australia and France. SCIC – In progress – advanced steps There should be consistency in management and enforcement measures (including in the operation of the C-VMS) for finfish and other fisheries (including krill). SCIC/
Proposal for enhanced VMS reporting for krill fisheries SCIC – In progress – early steps The effectiveness of CCAMLR would be increased if CPs were prepared, in certain instances, to apply CCAMLR provisions to, for example, their flag vessels operating north of CCAMLR waters in the high seas, or to areas subject to their jurisdiction. Alternatively, CCAMLR could consider tackling this issue through agreements (e.g. MOUs) to achieve similar outcomes. Members/
(2009)CCAMLR-XXVIII, Annex 5, paragraph 7.5 – paper submitted by France relating to an evaluation of the conformity of French law and practice with CCAMLR CMs.
MOUs between CCAMLR and other organisations:
  Exchange information with SEAFO
SCIC – In progress – early steps