Chapter 3 - Conservation and Management
3.6 Capacity management

3.6.1 Extent to which CCAMLR has identified fishing capacity levels commensurate with the conservation, including rational use, of Antarctic marine living resources

Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status CCAMLR should develop and apply methods to identify fishing capacity levels that are commensurate with sustainable harvests from the fisheries in the Convention Area. Commission CCAMLR has adopted a suite of measures which relate to sustainable harvests. Many exploratory measures include limitations on the number of vessels which may participate in each exploratory fishery. SCIC – not yet considered but some progress has nevertheless been made.

3.6.2 Extent to which CCAMLR has taken actions to prevent or eliminate excess fishing capacity and effort

Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status CCAMLR should establish a small group of experts to explore and report on the advantages and disadvantages (including cost and feasibility) of approaches and actions to prevent or eliminate excess fishing capacity, and review and adopt appropriate approaches and actions as a matter of urgency. The options explored should include:

(a) arrangements to constrain capacity using additional input controls (e.g. limit vessel numbers, days fished, access to particular areas etc.) and significantly increase spending on surveillance and enforcement activities to monitor these additional controls;

(b) a system of annual tradable units of quota with a very clear understanding that they bestow no ongoing rights and will be reallocated for each successive fishing period.

Commission   SCIC – not yet considered.

3.6.3 Extent to which CCAMLR monitors the levels of fishing effort, including taking into account annual notifications for participation by Contracting Parties

Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status CCAMLR should review the information available to it through current notification and reporting processes for adequacy in determining fishing capacity and effective effort. CCAMLR should consider and select the most appropriate measures for its management of fishing capacity, and introduce the relevant monitoring and reporting arrangements to support ongoing management of fishing capacity. Commission   SCIC – not yet considered.