Chapter 3 - Conservation and Management
3.4 Quality and provision of scientific advice

3.4.1 Extent to which CCAMLR receives and acts on the basis of the best scientific advice relevant to the Antarctic marine living resources under its purview, as well as to the effects of harvesting, research, conservation and associated activities, on the marine ecosystem

Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status Consider mechanisms to distribute the cost of providing scientific analysis and support for the Working Groups and Scientific Committee more equitably among CCAMLR Members, without reducing the current quality of the scientific input. SC/SCAF/
(2008)SC-CAMLR-XXVII, paragraphs 10.2 and 10.10. Scientific Committee – complete – General Science Capacity Special Fund. Further extend the approach of standardised management procedures and risk management. These extensions could take the form of fully integrated management procedures that provide a single ‘answer’ and/or a standardised way that risk is presented under different management options. Suggested extensions are (i) procedures for calculating catch limits should be developed for further stocks; (ii) procedures for spatial allocation of catch, including among SSMUs; and, (iii) procedures for incorporating information on by-catch, dependent and associated species into catch limits and spatial allocations. SC (2008)SC-CAMLR-XXVII, paragraphs 10.2 and 10.10;
(2008)SC-CAMLR-XXVII, paragraphs 10.8 and 10.9.
Scientific Committee - In progress. The form of the Scientific Committee report should be reviewed to identify improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of (i) reporting status and risk; (ii) providing management recommendations; and (iii) ensuring scientific and management focus on the emerging key challenges. SC (2008)SC-CAMLR-XXVII, paragraphs 10.2 and 10.10. Scientific Committee – not done