Chapter 2 - Role of CCAMLR within the Antarctic Treaty System
2.1 Relationship with the Antarctic Treaty System

2.1.1 Extent to which CCAMLR effectively implements its obligations under Articles III and V of the Convention

Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status Given the increasing number of CPs, including States that have no traditional linkages to the Antarctic Treaty (or the ATS), the RP sees virtue in reinforcing the obligations of Articles III, V (and IV.1). This might be achieved by:

(a) requesting the Depositary to bring to the attention of an Acceding State, or a State seeking accession, these particular Articles;

(b) urging Acceding States also to consider acceding to the Antarctic Treaty;

(c) having available for Acceding States, and other States indicating an interest in CCAMLR, a Secretariat-prepared information pack on CCAMLR and its links to the Antarctic Treaty.

Commission (2008)CCAMLR-XXVII, Annex 5, paragraph 7.7;
(2008)CCAMLR-XXVII, paragraphs 17.14 and 17.15;
(2009)CCAMLR-XXVIII/BG/16 (Information pack);
(2009)CCAMLR-XXVIII/BG/38 (Covering note prepared by the Depository);
(2009)CCAMLR-XXVIII, paragraph 16.23.
(2010)CCAMLR-XXIX/BG/13 Rev. 2
Commission – Complete Such actions would likely reduce any disparity between the implementation of the provisions of the Antarctic Treaty and CCAMLR. Commission   Commission – No action necessary Furthermore, the RP saw virtue in reminding all CPs to CCAMLR of their obligations under the Antarctic Treaty. Commission (2010)CCAMLR-XXIX/BG/13 Rev. 2 Commission: In progress – advanced action