Volume 11 (2004)
Kock, K.-H., L. Pshenichnov, C.D. Jones, K. Shust, K.E. Skora
and Zh.A. Frolkina. 2004. Joinville–D’Urville Islands (Subarea
48.1) – a former fishing ground for the spiny icefish (Chaenodraco
wilsoni), at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula –
CCAMLR Science, 11: 1–20.
Appleyard, S.A., R. Williams and R.D. Ward. 2004. Population
genetic structure of Patagonian toothfish in the West Indian
Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean.
CCAMLR Science, 11:
Azzali, M., I. Leonori and G. Lanciani. 2004. A hybrid
approach to acoustic classification and length estimation of
krill. CCAMLR Science, 11: 33–58.
Candy, S.G. 2004. Modelling catch and effort data using
generalised linear models, the Tweedie distribution, random
vessel effects and random stratum-by-year effects.
Science, 11: 59–80.
Hewitt, R.P., G. Watters, P.N. Trathan, J.P. Croxall, M.E.
Goebel, D. Ramm, K. Reid, W.Z. Trivelpiece and J.L. Watkins.
2004. Options for allocating the precautionary catch limit of
krill among small-scale management units in the Scotia Sea.
CCAMLR Science, 11: 81–97.
Olmastroni, S., F. Pezzo, V. Volpi and S. Focardi. 2004.
Effects of weather and sea-ice on the reproductive performance
of the Adélie penguin at Edmonson Point, Ross Sea.
Science, 11: 99–109.
Purves, M.G., D.J. Agnew, E. Balguerías, C.A. Moreno and B.
Watkins. 2004. Killer whale (Orcinus orca) and sperm
whale (Physeter macrocephalus) interactions with
longline vessels in the Patagonian toothfish fishery at South
Georgia, South Atlantic.
CCAMLR Science, 11: 111–126.
Hucke-Gaete, R., C.A. Moreno and J. Arata. 2004. Operational
interactions of sperm whales and killer whales with the
Patagonian toothfish industrial fishery off southern Chile.
CCAMLR Science, 11: 127–140.
Kock, K.-H., M. Belchier and C.D. Jones. 2004. Is the attempt
to estimate the biomass of Antarctic fish from a multi-species
survey appropriate for all targeted species? Notothenia
rossii in the Atlantic Ocean sector – revisited.
Science, 11: 141–153.
Endicott, M. and D.J. Agnew. 2004. The survivorship of rays
discarded from the South Georgia longline fishery.
Science, 11: 155–164.
Litvinov, F.F., A.Z. Sundakov and V.I. Arkhipov. 2004. CPUE
indices used in Soviet krill fishery statistics from 1977 to
1992 and their possible utility for evaluation of relative
changes in krill biomass.
CCAMLR Science, 11: 165–177.
Wienecke, B. and G. Robertson. 2004. Validation of sink rates
of longlines measured using two different methods.
Science, 11: 179–187.
Melvin, E.F., B. Sullivan, G. Robertson and B. Wienecke. 2004.
A review of the effectiveness of streamer lines as a seabird
by-catch mitigation technique in longline fisheries and CCAMLR
streamer line requirements.
CCAMLR Science, 11: